Sunday, November 15, 2009


Hello!  To be honest, I never thought blogging was something I would ever do.  I'm just beginning to learn how, and it's taken me 2 days to get this far.  My intention is not to make the intimacies of my life public, but to share the things that enrich my life with the hope of enriching other lives.

The title of this blog was inspired by a book by C.S. Lewis, The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.  In addition to the series of Narnia books, Lewis wrote many books over his lifetime.  As a young man, he was not sure of his own beliefs, but he eventually became one of the most respected Christian apologists of the 20th century.  His book, Surprised by Joy, is my personal favorite of those intended for adults.  The movie inspired by the later years of his life, Shadowlands, with Debra Winger and Anthony Hopkins, is one of my favorites.  I was first introduced many years ago to Lewis' writings by a reference in a sermon to the following quote from the final page of The Last Battle, Book #7 of the Chronicles of Narnia series:

"All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story, which no one on earth has read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before."

To me, this is a beautiful and hopeful allegory of life and death, and one that has influenced me for many years.


  1. Hi Missy......Well I will give it another try.
    I wanted to let you know that when I was younger, I too read some of Lewis's books. But that is quite a while ago, I had been thinking of getting some of his books on CD. I am on very strong medication for chronic pain, caused by a neurological disorder.Consequently I have a hard time concentrating on reading. I have been buying some Audio books. It is a great solution. since I can knit or work on my minis and listen to the book at the same time. I just finished listening to "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn, I liked it very much. My grandson loved the Narnia series and he is now reading some of his other books. Well I have been rambling, anyway before I ramble moreI will try to post it, Love Grace Meyer

  2. Grace, thanks for visiting my blog. I too like to watch TV or listen to books or music while mini-ing, or any kind of needlework for that matter. I was disappointed by the Narnia movies, so the book on tape would be the way to go for me. I'm not familiar with "Heaven" - I'll have to check it out!

  3. Hi Missy.....I never read the Narnia series, that is maybe why I enjoyed the movies. When I read a book and later watch the movie, I never like the movie. I think a book is so detailed and leaves so much up to the imagination also, that is something a movie never can provide.
    I just ordered 2 books by Max Lucado. (I hope I spelled his name right)I will let you know how I like them.
    Well now it's off to Church. Grace
